Sunday Announcements 2/25/2024

  • TODAY IS THE LAST SUPER SUNDAY. You are welcome to bring your lunch to the building or go out to eat & come back for our “evening service” at 1:00 P.M. Our 1:00 P.M. service will be a Q &A. The elders & ministers will be answering your questions about the Bible, Church, & faith. Place your questions in the wooden box in the foyer or email them to

  • Our February Birthday Fellowship will immediately follow our morning worship. Cake & ice cream will be provided. If you have a February Birthday please make sure that your name is on the list in the foyer. 

  • March 3rd is the start of our Spring Quarter! Come a little early to enjoy some breakfast bites & fellowship before our regularly scheduled classes. 

  •  Care Groups will start on March 3rd. Signup sheets are at the Involvement Station.

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