Wednesday Announcements 1/31/2024

  • Congratulations to Greg & Raini Highley on the birth of their son Harrison “Harry” Wyatt Highley born 1/30/2024 weighing 7lbs 11 oz. 21 inches long. Both Mom & Baby are doing well!

  • Ladies, please see the signup sheet at the Involvement Station for the coming year for Communion Preparation.

  • The Ladies Breakfast will be on Saturday, February 3rd. Please sign up at the Involvement Station if you plan to attend. Questions? See April Smith.

  • Sunday is a SUPER SUNDAY! We will have a congregational potluck. Please see the signup sheet at the Involvement Station. Our 1:00 P.M. service will be a congregational singing. The song request slips are on the table by the stairs. 

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