Wednesday Announcements 5/22/2024

  •  Congratulations to the Bowman family on the birth of their newest son Zaven Beck! Born 5/16/24 @ 10:22 P.M. 7.13lbs & 21 Inches long to proud parents Brandon & Sydney & older Brothers Barrett, Ronan, Colton!

  • We will need teachers for the children’s Bible Classes this Summer. This is usually a hard quarter to find teachers because of busy Summer Schedules, so even if you can only take 1-2 weeks, please talk to Ally.

  • The Ladies Prayer Group will meet at the home of Olive Wagar on Thursday, May 23rd from 6-8 P.M. Please bring a light refreshment to share if convenient.

  • The Prime-Timers will meet on May 25th at 5:00 P.M. at Ron & Michelle Miller’s house for a cookout. Please see the signup sheet at the Involvement Station for more information.The May Birthday Celebration will be Sunday, May 26th following our morning worship. Cake and Ice Cream will be provided. If you have a May Birthday please make sure that your name is on the list at the Involvement Station. 

  • There will be a Heart to Heart Congregational Evangelism Training Seminar hosted by Needmore Road CofC on June 8th & 9th. Questions? See Richard Caruthers.

  • All young people wanting to attend Fort Hill Camp this Summer: the church will pay enrollment fees!

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