Sunday Announcements 7/7/2024

  • Thank you from Tim Hickerson: “I want to express my gratitude to the church for your many prayers as I deal with cancer. Your prayers bring me great comfort and peace. I am feeling very well and would like to continue serving as an elder here as I am able. Thank you again for your love in Christ.”

  • There will be a potluck following our morning worship to honor Magil Akers before her move to Washington Court House. There is always plenty of food; even if you didn’t bring anything we’d love for you stay & fellowship with us!

  • For our evening worship tonight our elders have decided to join our brothers and sisters at Cassel Hills for their Area Wide Singing. It begins at 5:30 P.M. If you would like to request a specific song or if you’d like to help lead songs please see the QR Code at the Involvement Station.

  • Our week at Fort Hill Christian Youth Camp begins on July 14th! Please pray for all of those participating this year! 

  • The Golden Climbers will meet on Tuesday July 16th at 5:00 P.M.—Dinner @ Culvers! Questions? See Brenda Caruthers!

  • The Men’s Breakfast will be July 20th here at the building starting at 9 A.M. 

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