Wednesday Announcements 7/24/2024

  • The Projectors in rooms 104 & 204 have been rewired to accommodate additional devices. There will be a brief meeting after church on August 28th for anyone who would like to go over the equipment. Questions? See Jeff or Vickie Kirk.

  • We have some events coming up:
-The Prime-Timers will meet on July 27th @ 6 P.M.
-July Birthday Celebration will follow morning service on July 28th
-A Dorcas Workshop on August 13th @ 9 A.M.

  • We have been invited to a few area events as well:-Cassel Hill will have a VBS starting on July 28th at 6:15 P.M. for children in grades K-12-The Fort Hill Ladies Retreat will be on August 2nd & 3rd. It is FREE but registration is requested online.-Central Avenue in Fairborn is also hosting a VBS August 5th-9th.

  • WE NEED YOUR QUESTIONS! IF you have questions about faith, the Bible, or the Church please submit them for our upcoming Q&A on July 28th @ 5:00 P.M. You can submit your questions anonymously using the box in the lobby or email them to! 

**Please see the bulletin or visit the Involvement Station for details. **

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