Wednesday Announcements 8/14/2024

  • We are still collecting funds to cover the cost of shipping for our 200 M.A.G.I. boxes @ $8/box. Please see Olive Wagar if you would like to contribute.

  • Thursday School is in need of a Lead Teacher for the following days: October 17th, 24th, 31st, and November 7th & 14th. Please sign up at the Involvement Station if you can assist. Questions? See Brenda R.

  • We have some events coming up:
    • -Magil Akers’ Memorial Service will be Saturday August 17th at 1:00 P.M. Volunteers are needed to help with the luncheon. The sign-up sheet is at the Involvement Station.
    • -The Men’s Breakfast will be on August 17th @ 9:00 A.M.
    • - Golden Climbers will meet on August 20th at 5 P.M.
    • -Mark Bluthardt’s Memorial Service will be on August 24th at the building. Visitation will start at 12:00 P.M. with a Memorial Service to follow.
    • -Prime-Timers will meet on August 31st at 6 P.M.

  • If you have any questions about the Bible, faith, or the Church please submit them by August 18th. You can do so anonymously via the box in the lobby or email them to the address in the bulletin. They will be answered on August 25th. 

  • Fall quarter teachers are needed for our Children’s Cradle roll, 3-5 year olds, & 6-9 year olds classes for Sunday & Wednesday starting Sept. 1 . Sharing with a friend is always an option. Please let Kim Card know ASAP if you can help teach the future of our church!

  • Our Care Groups will begin on September 1st. if you would like to host, please talk to Michael Nix.

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