Sunday Announcements 9/29/24


  • Paige Jones & Larry Albert welcomed their baby boy on September 17th, 2024! James Albert 7 lbs. 10.5 ounces 20.5 inches long! Congratulations to proud grandparents David & Sandy Jones! 

  • CARE GROUPS WILL BE STARTING OCTOBER 6TH.  Today is the last day to sign up! The signup sheets are in the fellowship area.

  • We have some events coming up: 
    • -The September Birthday Celebration will immediately follow morning worship. Cake & ice cream will be provided.

  • Our Community Coat Giveaway will be on Saturday, October 5th from 12-3 p.m.  If you have any coats you would like to donate you can bring them to the building. There is also a signup sheet at the Involvement Station if you would like to help set up or hand out coats!

  • There will be a Special Contribution to purchase teaching material for the churches in Bolivia on October 6th, please see the bulletin for more information.

  • If you took a Coin Can for Potter Children’s Home, PLEASE RETURN IT BY OCTOBER 6th. 

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